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Paresis of both lower limbs in a 58 year old man (4).

Wells describes two cases of myelitis transversa (7).

4) Landry syndrome (8)
5) Hypoglossus nerve paralysis (11)

B. Polyneuritis
Polyneuritis may occur in hands and feet, eventually accompanied of paralytic symptoms (4). Cases of polyradiculitis, polyradiculomyelitis and polyganglioradiculitis are documented.

1) Hypoesthesia
2) Paresthesia (formication and numbness) have been noticed (4, 8).
3) Neuralgia
a) Trigeminus neuralgia (8)
b) Ischialgia (right sided) (8)
c) Intercostal neuralgia (chestpain) (8)
d) Sensory brachial plexus neuropathy (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome) (8, 12, 13).

C. Meningitis
Meningeal infection and a stiff neck with positive lumbar punction can exist separately, or as part of a GBS syndrome (4).

D. Encephalitis
Encephalomyelitis and encephalopathy after influenza vaccination have been documented. A case was described by Ehrengut & Allerdist with loss of sight, then complete loss of consciousness and paralysis (4). Case 10 described by Hennessen had encephalitis with central disturbance of the N. Vestibularis (8). Also case 13 in the same study had encephalitis. Case 20 & 21 were diagnosed as meningoencephalomyelitis. Woods describes a case of encephalitis in a healthy seven year old girl in 1963 (14), Warren in 1956 (15), and another two cases were documented in 1962 (16).

E. Multiple Sclerosis
Some authors described a "recurrent encephalomyelitic syndrome" after vaccination (17, 18). Hennessen et al saw a similar case, where they were able to make the certain diagnosis of MS (8).

An exacerbation of symptoms was noticed in 1 out of 93 MS-patients vaccinated against influenza 19, 20.

F. Ataxia
Difficulties in walking in a 34 year old man were noticed, nine months after his influenza vaccination. The sensitive polyneuritis which also started shortly after vaccination had not subsided by that time. Right sided ataxia of lower limbs (8).

G. Headache
A strong headache (8) occuring within hours after vaccination is suggestive for meningeal or brain irriatation and deserves immediate further investigation.

H. Disorientation about places (8)

I. Unconsciousness
Multiple drop attacks occured in a case described by Stör & Mayer (21).

J. Trembling of upper limbs (21)

K. Automatic motions of fingers and toes (21)

L. Aphasia (loss of speech) (8)

II. Respiratory Infections

A. Bronchitis
A strong bronchitis with fever was noticed in a 29-year old man who also developed GBS later on (4).

B. Bronchopneumonia
This occured in a 41 year old man, where symptoms started with paresthesia of fingertips, and ended up with death, 4 weeks after vaccination. Pneumonia 14 days after vaccination (8).

III. Gastro-intestinal problems

A. Vomiting

This happened to a man 13 days after vaccination; paralytic symptoms were noticed later on (4).

B. Nausea (8)

C. Rectal incontinence (8)

IV. Urinary symptoms

Dysuria or paralysis of the bladder

Difficulties with urination bothered a man 13 days after vaccination; a distention of the bladder was diagnosed. Complete paralysis of the bladder with necessity of catheterisation followed. Paralytic symptoms of the extremities were noticed later on (4).

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