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V. Sexual problems


Lessening of sexual potency lasted for over 3 months in a patient who suffered GBS (4). Sexual impotence (4).


A. Vertigo
Vertigo with tendency to fall to the right side, 5 days after vaccination, accompanied an encephalitis in an eighteen year old male 4. Vertigo with nystagmus, within minutes after vaccination, so strong that the 13 year old, healthy boy could not even stand up or sit anymore (4). Affection of the N. Vestibularis in combination with encephalitis (8).

B. Noises in the ears (8)

C. Impeded hearing (8)

VII. Eyes

A. Prooptosis (8)
B. Oedema of the retina (8)
C. Diminished vision; blurred vision (8)
D. Diplopia (8)
E. Nystagmus (8)
F. Paralysis of eye muscles (cranial nerves VII & IX) (8)

VIII. Circulatory problems

A. Collapse (8)
B. Transient livid discoloration of the hands (8).
C. Allergic thrombocytopenia in a 58 years old man 7 days after vaccination.

D. Disturbed blood pressure (both increased of decreased) (8).
E. Angor pectoris (8).
F. Collapse (8)
Hennessen et al describe some cases, both in elderly men with either hyper- or hypotonic crises, but also in a young man with ophistotonus, and tonic-clonic fits within minutes after vaccination.

IX. General symptoms

A. Fever
Fever occurs together with other syndromes, e.g. meningitis or GBS.

B. Somnolence
This may also be part of a larger neurological syndrome, such as GBS (4), (8).

C. Fatigue
Fatigue can be part of a general decrease of functional capacities (21).

Chronic fatigue is known to last for years after the infection subsided (4).

D. Anaphylactic reactions
Typical for anaphylactic reactions is the short incubation time.

Ehrengut & Allerdist describe such a reaction in an allergic person 1/2 h after vaccination (4). Warren describes a case where the reaction followed 4 to 5 hours after vaccination with fever, coryza and bronchospasms (15).

X. Mental problems

A. Difficulty in thinking (21)
B. Loss of initiative (21)
C. Confusion (14)
D. Hallucinations (14)

XI. Emotional problems

Sadness (21)

XII. Death

A 41 year old man died 4 weeks after vaccination, after progressive polyneuropathy and bronchopneumonia had developed (4). Death within 4 days (7).

Age Distribution

The many case descriptions available in medical literature prove that all age groups are susceptible to side effects.

Particularly important is the frequency of patients with serious side effects after the vaccine had been given for several years without any problem. This means that a lack of side effects after a vaccination is not a guarantee of safety of administration of the same vaccine in that patient later on.

From those who suffered GBS after vaccination, 11% were under 30 years of age, 58% were between 30 and 59, and 31% were 60 and more.


Different mechanisms can play a role in the development of a post-vaccination neuropathy.

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