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 Healthy Living: HealthWorld Online: Promoting Healthy Living via the Internet 
James Strohecker(old) ©

Meeting the Needs of Managed Care and Corporate Wellness Programs
HealthWorld Online is a model for developing a flexible online resource center which can serve multiple markets. Our network was initially designed to serve growing consumer and professional demand for information, products and services relating to Self-Managed Care. Over the past two years, in building a solid foundation of content and unique, interactive information services, we have also anticipated demand from HMOs, hospitals and corporate wellness programs for customized intranet systems to meet the same demands from their subscribers, employees, and professionals. In essence, companies will receive customized ”health villages” to meet their particular needs, whether it be an intranet for employees or HMO subscribers, continuing education courses and research databases for health professionals in nutrition, wellness and alternative/complementary therapies, or information support for Self-Managed-Care information and resources for delivery of hospital out-patient services.

Possible Components of a Customized Intranet: Major Information/ Resource Centers in HealthWorld Online
HealthWorld Online currently offers dozens of unique, precedent-setting resource centers and services to consumers and health professionals through its global health village. Following are examples of the key information/resource centers in HealthWorld Online which may be utilized to form the information base and user interface (customized village) for a corporate intranet for a health industry business.

Health Clinic: Information and resources on family healthcare issues, emergency care, self-care, online professional referral databases, online ordering of laboratory services, alternative approaches to specific health conditions, and an alternative medicine center.

Library of Health & Medicine: Valuable medical reference texts, professional journals, online audio library (220 tapes), free MEDLINE, Cybrarian Service, interviews, columns from the experts, searchable databases, and upwards of 30,000 pages available.

Marketplace: An online bookstore and health food Store offer over 6,500 products with shopping cart technology and secure online credit card ordering. A “healthy travel” center allows consumers to book healthy travel getaways and the insurance center offers free quotes for health/dental/life/wellness insurance policies.

Nutrition Center: A broad range of information to the consumer and health professional on diet and nutrition, focusing on a healthy whole foods diet and the role of diet and nutrition in health and illness. The"Healthy Kitchen" section provides healthy recipes and instructions on setting up a whole foods kitchen. Users have access to the latest nutritional research, research databases, and other nutritional resources.

Fitness Center: Offers a balanced, wellness-oriented approach to fitness with a strong emphasis on natural health, nutrition, and mind/body fitness. Exercise physiologists and natural health experts offer advice on training, peak performance, self-applied health enhancement methods, sports medicine, and fitness programs for special populations.

Wellness Center: Provides valuable, consumer-based information on staying healthy in body, mind and spirit through living a wellness-based lifestyle. A host of leaders and experts in the Wellness movement provide guidance in the areas of healthy aging, mind/body health practices and spirituality and health.

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