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 Nutritional Programs: Nutritional Program for Premenstrual Syndrome  

Some doctors also use glandular supplements in treating PMS. In Super Fitness Beyond Vitamins (New American Library, New York, 1987), Michael Rosenbaum, M.D., describes his success with the use of pituitary, particularly anterior pituitary, extract in treating stubborn PMS symptoms. Brain and pancreas glandular supplements may also be helpful, Dr. Rosenbaum points out.

There are also many nutritional supplement formulas available for premenstrual syndrome. The table below presents an all-encompassing nutrient program (most of these nutrients are best taken in two or three portions over the course of the day). This may be tailored for specific symptoms by application of the suggestions given earlier. Of course, many of the nutrients listed are consumed in the diet. Supplementation of sodium, potassium, chloride, fluoride, iodine, and phosphorus is usually not necessary, though additional potassium, about 1 to 2 grams, may be helpful in some cases. Even extra vitamins D and K may not be needed. The precursor of B6 (pyridoxine), pyridoxal-5-phosphate, may actually be more effective than B6 itself, because some people may not be able to easily convert the pyridoxine to its usable form. Both forms of vitamin B3 are used; niacin offers some circulatory stimulation and flushing while niacinamide supports the general neuromuscular relaxation of B3.

I have seen a high rate of success in the improvement and elimination of symptoms in women who change their diets and implement a regular supplement program. I have also heard other gynecologists, family doctors, and nurse practitioners claim that they see nearly an 80 percent success rate with a good program. Of course, learning to deal better with life stresses, relationships, and sexual issues will further increase the likelihood of success.

Premenstrual Syndrome Nutrient Program**

Vitamin A 5,000–10,000 IUs Calcium 800–1,000 mg.
Beta-carotene10,000–20,000 IUs Chromium200–400 mcg.
Vitamin D200–600 IUs Copper 1–2 mg.
Vitamin E400–1,000 IUs Iodine*150–300 mcg.
Vitamin K*150–300 mcg. Iron15–20 mg.
Thiamine (B1)50–250 mg. Magnesium750–1,500 mg.
Riboflavin (B2)50–100 mg. Manganese2.5–15 mg.
Niacin (B3)25–100 mg. Molybdenum150–500 mcg.
Niacinamide (B3)50–100 mg. Phosphorus*800–1,000 mg.
Pantothenic acid (B5)50–500 mg. Potassium*.5–5.0 g.
Pyridoxine (B6)50–200 mg. Selenium150–300 mcg.
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate50–150 mg. Zinc15–30 mg.
Cobalamin (B12)50–200 mcg.
Folic acid400–800 mcg. Gamma-linolenic acid3–6 capsules
Biotin50–400 mcg. Eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA plus DHA)
1–2 capsules
Choline500–1,000 mg. L-amino acid formula1,000 mg.
Inositol500–1,000 mg. L-tryptophan+
(before bed)
250–500 mg.
PABA50–100 mg. L-phenylalanine
(in 2 doses during the day)
500–1,000 mg.
Vitamin C1–3 g.
Bioflavonoids250–500 mg.
(Excerpted from Staying Healthy with Nutrition ISBN: 1587611791)
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 About The Author
Elson Haas MDElson M. Haas, MD is founder & Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (since 1984), an Integrated Health Care Facility in San Rafael, CA and author of many books on Health and Nutrition, including ...more
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