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 Flower Remedies: Your Pet's Emotional Health 
Leslie Kaslof J. ©
Whether you live with animals as a companion or work among them, the human-animal bond can be a vital part of life. Animals have feelings and can experience stress. They react to changes in their environment, and your mood can have an affect on them. Animals can experience over-sensitivity, fear, despondency, loneliness and depression, among other emotions. When tender loving care isn't enough, and medical problems have been ruled out as the cause of these emotional states, Flower Remedies can assist an animal suffering from the ill-effects of stress.

Flower Remedies can help restore your animal friends to a state of calm and emotional balance in difficult times. Moving, periods of transition and change, even traveling anxieties have been eased with the use of the Flower Remedies.

Letters and case studies report wonderful results when using Flower Remedies with animals including: dogs, cats, horses, birds, tropical fish, and snakes, among other animals.

Flower Remedies provide animals with a gentle, safe system of emotional stress relief. Adding these remedies to your total animal care program will help to assure your animal's health and well-being!


The following is a listing of Flower Remedies and examples of some common indications for their use with dogs.

For the dog that follows you around, is constantly underfoot, and becomes extremely upset when left alone. For the affectionate, clinging, or territorial dog who is always opting for your attention and more often than not winds up in your lap.

For the dog with fear of known things. This includes but is not limited to: loud noises, thunderstorms, vacuum cleaners, trips to the vet, and visits by small children. When these fears turn to terror, Rock Rose or the stress-relieving formula can be used.


For the nervous, fearful dog, especially in new circumstances. This dog may often cower with its tail between its legs. Good used in combination with the flower remedy Mimulus.

For the dog whose primary person has been removed, and acts withdrawn, subdued, or unenthusiastic towards people. Can be used in conjunction with Star of Bethlehem, especially if primary person has died. Can also be used for homesickness while at a kennel or if left home alone for a prolonged period of time.

Star of Bethlehem
For the physically or emotionally traumatized dog, whether from past or current trauma. Nearly always indicated for dogs that have been in a pound, abused, or found on the street.

Water Violet
Useful for the dog that is aloof, self-reliant, and a loner. For dogs that were socialized comparatively late in life, and who seem very stand-offish.

Can be useful in car sickness, used along with the stress-relieving formula.

For the angry dog who threatens to attack, or attacks without provocation. In addition, Holly can be useful combined with Star of Bethlehem where there is aggressive behavior due to trauma or abuse in the past and/or present. The Flower Remedy Star of Bethlehem should always be given in conjunction with Holly. Remember any personality changes should be checked by a veterinarian.

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