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How many people each year suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death after a hospital visit?
from 46,000 to 78,000
from 78,000 to 132,000
from 132,000 to 210,000
from 210,000 to 440,000

Healthier Living from Nature’s Pharmacy
What berry help to increase circulation to the eyes? ...more

 Featured Story
On Echinacea & Goldenseal
Janet Zand LAc, OMD
Herbal medicine has a long tradition of use in the treatment and prevention of immune-related disorders. And Echinacea is one of the most commonly...  more 
 Herbal Medicine: Topics & Links
 Herbs A - Z
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Arnica AstragalusBalm
Balm of GileadBalmony Barberry
Bayberry Bearberry Birch
Black CatechuBlack Cohosh Black Haw
Black Horehound Black RootBlackberry
BladderwrackBlood Root Blue Cohosh
Blue FlagBogbeanBoldo
Boneset Borage Broom
ButternutCalendula Californian Poppy
Caraway Cascara Sagrada Catmint
CayenneCelery SeedsCentaury
Chamomile Chaste BerryChickweed
CleaversColtsfoot Comfrey
CondurangoCorn SilkCouchgrass
Cramp BarkCranesbillDaisy
Damiana Dandelion Devil's Claw
DillEchinacea spp.Elder
ElecampaneEucalyptus Eyebright
False Unicorn Root FennelFenugreek
FeverfewFigwortFringetree Bark
GingerGinkgo BilobaGinseng
Goat's Rue Golden Rod Golden Seal
Gravel RootGrindeliaGuaiacum
HawthornHeartsease Hops
Horehound Horse ChestnutHorsetail
Hydrangea Hyssop Iceland Moss
IpecacuanhaIrish Moss Jamaican Dogwood
Juniper Berries KolaLady's Mantle
LavenderLife RootLinden
LiquoriceLobelia Lungwort Herb
Ma Huang MarshmallowMeadowsweet
Milk ThistleMotherwortMouse Ear
MugwortMullein Mustard
MyrrhNettleOak Bark
Oats Oregon Mtn GrapeParsley
Partridge BerryPasque Flower Passion Flower
Pellitory of the WallPennyroyal Peppermint
Periwinkle Plantain Pleurisy Root
Poke Prickly Ash Raspberry
Red CloverRed SageRhubarb Root
RosemaryRue Sarsaparilla
Saw PalmettoSenna Shephard's Purse
Skullcap Slippery Elm Snake Root
St. John's Wort Stone Root Sundew
Sweet Violet Tansy Thyme
Ti Tree Valerian Vervain
Wahoo Western Hemlock White Poplar
Wild Carrot Wild Cherry BarkWild Indigo
Wild Lettuce Wild Yam Willow
Witch Hazel Wood Betony Wormwood
Yarrow Yellow Dock

 Herbs & Your Health
Breast Health Tip #13: Garlic
Christine Horner MD, FACS
Eating just a clove or two of garlic a week can significantly lower your risk of breast cancer. An Iowa study of 34,388 postmenopausal women found that those...  more 
 Featured Essential Oil
Featured Essential Oil
Kathi Keville
Also called "laurel," bay leaves were once placed on the heads of headache sufferers and Greek scholars. Today, we still confer a baccalaureate degree, which...  more 
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 Memorable Quotes
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
— Thomas Edison    
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