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 Homeopathy: Healing Otitis Media Through Homeopathy 

Orthodox medicine offers antibiotics and myringotomy as the only treatments for otitis media, both of which have been challenged in various studies and suggested to be no more effective in preventing recurrences of otitis than placebos. Otitis media is the most common complaint we treat in infants and can generally be treated homeopathically with great success. In the child's first homoepathic interview, we spend an hour with parents and child gathering detailled information including explicit details of the otitis symptoms, a review of systems, prenatal and birth history, growth and developmental milestones, mental and emotional charac- teristics, food desires and aversions, behavior with adults, other children, and animals, family history, diet, etc. There are many possible remedies to treat otitis media in children, and it is not possible to interview a young child in the same manner as an adult, so it is essential to rely on our observation of the child and on information offered by the parents.

In a great majority of otitis cases, we find that the symptoms began after lactation was dis-continued and cow's milk or soy formula introduced. If the infant is still on these products, we recommend their switching to goat's milk, which is generally very well-tolerated, In some cases, however, the otitis occurs even though no dairy products have been introduced or lasts long after all dairy products have been discontinued. We also use a pediatric vitamin/mineral and chewable calcium for nutritional support and often offer herbal ear drops with garlic oil as the main ingredient as a backup, mostly to give the parents a feeling that they are doing some- thing for the child while the homeopathic remedy takes time to act. We use homeopathy, however, as the mainstay of our treatment for otitis and nearly always give the child a single dose of a high potency remedy such as 200c or lM. Most of the time, a single dose of the correct homeopathic remedy takes care of the otitis and we don't see the child again for another year or two when another acute childhood illness of some sort arises. The following three cases are ex-amples of successful homeopathic treatment of otitis media. (After studying each case, read the correct prescriptions and case analyses at the end of the article.)

Case l: We treated L.R., age 22 months, in Winthrop, Washington. He was a cute, active, blond-hair, blue-eyed child with a history of otitis media since one year of age. Since that time the mother complained that every cold went to his ears. He had a total of five episodes of otitis which were treated unsuccessfully with Amoxicillin. He would develop a runny nose with his colds with a thick green discharge. He pulled at both ears, his face was sometimes red with a fever, and he could wake at night with ear pain. He'd get cranky, but remained active. The otitis had no association with dentition. The pregnancy had gone well. The mother had introduced some yogurt into his diet at nine months and was still nursing him two to three times a day. The mother drank milk the whole time she nursed him. His height and weight were at the 25th percentile and he was slow to teethe. He could skip a stool one day, but would make up for it the next. His mother described him as extremely stubborn and said he knew exactly what he wanted. He would scream and cry if he didn't get what he wanted. He was not yet talking, but was very inquisitive. He didn't like to be held by strangers. The mother noticed no improvement when she recently removed cow's milk from his diet. Another naturopathic physician had treated L. with Pulsatilla repeatedly without noticeable effect.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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