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 Naturopathic Medicine: Build Immunity Now 
Noel Peterson ND ©
Build Immunity Now
Sugar can cost you more than your teeth. At an average consumption rate of 130 lbs. per person per year, sugar takes the cake, cell mediated immunity is depressed by 50% for 120 minutes after sugar ingestion (75 grams). A 100g portion of sugar can significantly reduce the capacity of white blood cells to engulf bacteria. Maximum immune suppression occurs one to two hours after ingestion and remains suppressed for up to five hours after feeding.

Your immune system is your body's first line of defense against disease and illness. Diet plays an all important role in immunity. Major factors that combine to weaken natural resistance to disease include environmental pollutants, nutrient-poor (empty-calorie) foods, stress, antibiotic misuse in animal feeds, and food allergies.

In adults, cell mediated immunity is significantly depressed after sugar ingestion (75 grams). A 100g portion of sugar can significantly reduce the capacity of white blood cells to engulf bacteria. Maximum immune suppression occurs one to two hours after ingestion and remains suppressed for up to five hours after feeding.

Recurring viral symptoms of colds, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis and sore throats are all signs of sub-clinical immune deficiency. These symptoms of the common cold cause illness in more men, women and children than all other diseases combined.

The oral cavity is rich in blood vessels and lymphatics, and allows for rapid absorption of herbs and nutrients into the systemic circulation. Tyler Encapsulations of Gresham, Oregon, produces a superior immune building lozenge. Oral absorption with a lozenge ensures high concentration of immune-enhancing ingredients directly on affected tissues. This lozenge provides complete delivery of active immune stimulating ingredients directly to the affected mucous membranes and lymphatic vessels of the mouth, oral pharynx and throat. It contains:

  • Echinacea: Echinacea has gained a solid reputation in both Europe and America as a valuable immune stimulant. Mucopolysaccharides in Echinacea have been found to strongly stimulate T-lymphocyte activity, macrophage and T-killer cell activity and host cell production of interferon. Echinacea stabilizes tissue hyaluronic acid and has corticoid-like anti-inflammatory effects, and stimulates fibroblast response at tissue injury sites. In this way Echinacea increases bacterial and viral resistance. The Echinacea in Immucomplex Lozenges is organically grown and extracted as a whole fresh plant concentrate and is more concentrated than conventional extracts.

  • Slippery Elm: Slippery Elm ( vulva) is a soothing for irritable land inflamed mucous membranes and relieves dryness and irritation of the mouth and throat and alleviates dry coughs. It is , preventing mucous stasis and encourages secretory IGA secreted by inflamed mucous membranes to bind to and inactivate pathogenic viruses and bacteria. It protects inflamed mucous membranes and it is nutritive.

  • Calendula: Calendula officinalis has a well deserved reputation for soothing inflamed tissue and stimulating healing. More recently, Calendula has proved itself as an antiseptic, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic streptococcus. It has a vaso-motor effect, reducing tissue swelling.

In addition to its pleasant licorice flavor, Glycerrhiza is a powerful immune stimulant. Topical glycyrrhetinic acid has been shown to reduce the healing time and pain associated with herpetic gingivostomatitis (oral Herpes), to inactive Herpes simplex I virus, and to stimulate the synthesis of interferon. Glycerrhiza antagonizes 5-beta reductase, thereby promoting the anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect of cortisol and progesterone. It has antibacterial activity against Staph aureus.

Beta-carotene and Vitamin A stimulate immunity and reverse immune-suppression. Vitamin C increases immune competence, and is considered by Dr. Linus Pauling to be the cure for the common cold. Supplementation with zinc has been shown to be effective in persistent infections and to stimulate thymus activity.

For safe and effective immune enhancement, you can't beat the natural ingredients in Immucomplex Lozenge.

Bernstein, J., et al, Depression of lymphocyte transformation following oral glucose ingestion, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 30:613, 1977.

Lancet, March 21, 1987 (Editorial)

Merck Index, 10th Ed., Merck & Company, 1983.

Moench, Zeit, Feur, Angn, Phytotherapy, 2(5):166-8, 171, 1981.

Pizzorno, J. E., & Murray, M.T., A Textbook of Natural Medicine, John Bastere College Publications, Seattle, Washington, 1985.

Sanchez, A., et al, Role of sugars in human neutrophilic phagocytosis, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 26:180, 1973.

Vonadeo, L., et al., Echinacen b., an active polysaccharide from Echinacea.

Wacker, A., Hilbig, W., Virus inhibition by Echinacea purpurea, Planta Medica, 33:89-102, 1978.

Wagner, H., Proksh, A., An immuno-stimulating active principle from Echinacea purpura.

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