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 US FDA: Maybe It's Time for the Hercules Solution... 
by Bolen Report - 4/18/2007

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

In Greek mythology, Aegeas, the king of Elis, had a vast herd of cattle.  The stables in which they were kept hadn't been cleaned in 30 years. By then it was impossible to clean them and the resulting stench was unbearable.  Hercules, who had been assigned 12 stupendous tasks ("the Labours of Hercules") to be performed in atonement for a crime he had supposedly committed, came on the scene. One of those tasks was to clean the Aegean stables. Hercules did the job in one day by diverting a river to flow thorough the King?s stables.

The phrase "clean the Aegean stables" now means to clear away an accumulated mass of corruption ? physical, moral, ethical, legal...

The stench at the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is unbearable.  The FDA, designed to regulate certain industries in the US, has been taken over, in its entirety, by those industries, who operate the agency for their own benefit.  There is no argument against this statement.    At FDA the tail is wagging the dog.  Americans are being regulated by industries.  It's the way it is.

The FDA is being used to maintain the status quo in US health care, keeping the momentous flow of cash dumping into the broken health care system, where it's being siphoned off, and re-funneled into the pockets of America's real enemies - international corporations.  It's the way it is.

There is no better simple example of FDA corruption than that illustrated by the FDA division assigned the task of regulating US dentistry issues.  The situation is so bad there that, recently, the legal team for an activist group put FDA legal counsel on "Official Notice,"  threatening to file "Fraud on the Court" briefs if, and when, FDA dental division employees reversed themselves once again.  The intent was to force the dental division to stop obfuscating the "mercury amalgam" tooth filling issue.

The FDA dental division sees, as its mission, the preservation, at any cost, of the current dental system - one based on "image" rather than "health."  Official dentistry wants no part of "what happens in your mouth affects your whole body."  Official dentistry markets teeth, and dentistry itself, as a tool for sexual conquest.  Their message "If your smile is white - you'll get laid tonight..."

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Provided by Bolen Report on 4/18/2007
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