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 Herbal Medicine: Hypertension 
Elevation of systolic and/or diastolic BP, either primary (essential hypertension) or secondary.

A differentiation must be made between elevated blood pressure with no obvious medical cause (primary or essential hypertension), and that due to an underlying pathology such as kidney, endocrinological or cerebral disease(secondary hypertension). This discussion is concerned with essential hypertension.

There are over 35 million hypertensives in the USA, with twice the occurrence in Afro-Americans than Caucasians. The reasons for this are not known. A common problem in our culture, hypertension is rare in cultures that are relatively untouched by the western life-style. Life-style plays a major role in causing and maintain hypertension. Dietary, psychological and social factors must all be addressed for any real change to occur.

Hypertension is typically free of symptoms until complications arise. The symptoms associated with the condition can be caused by other problems as well, and include: dizziness, flushed faces, headache, fatigue, epistaxis (nosebleed), nervousness. Observable changes in retinal blood vessels are diagnostic indicators of the degree of damage caused to the body by the hypertension. Diagnosis must be based on finding that both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are usually, but not always, higher than normal and that other causes have been excluded. Hypertension is considered to be a blood pressure reading greater than 140/90 mm HG, but normal must be considered as a range rather than a specific figure for the whole population.

Temporary increase in blood pressure is a common and normal response to the ups and downs or life. Sustained hypertension is caused by increased peripheral vascular resistance. This is initiated by increased arteriolar tone and then followed by the damaging structural changes of arteriosclerosis.

Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease

Hypotensives are a broad range of remedies that have the observed effect of lowering elevated blood pressure. They appear to work in a variety of ways, including most of the actions listed below.
Cardiac Tonics play a fundamental role is strengthening and toning the whole C-V system when under such literal pressure. Used in the correct way they facilitate beneficial changes in both the pattern & volume of cardiac output.
Peripheral Vaso-dilators will lessen high resistance within the peripheral blood vessels, thus increasing the total volume of the system and so lowering the pressure within it.
Diuretics help remove any excessive build up of water in the body and overcome any decrease renal blood flow that might accompany the hypertension.
Vascular Tonics will help nourish the tissue of the arteries and veins.
Nervines address the tension and anxiety that will be associated with any stress component in the patients etiology. There will also be an increase in tension due to hypertension itself, which will be eased with the appropriate nervine. As most nervines are also anti-spasmodic the following applies for them as well.
Anti-spasmodics will ease peripheral resistance to blood flow by gently relaxing both the muscles that the vessels pass through, and the muscular coat of the vessels themselves.
Circulatory Stimulants may help through an increase in peripheral circulation.

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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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